


Ridgeway Inn

Property Name: The Ridgeway Inn

Street Address: 131 Yonahlossee Rd

City : Blowing Rock - North Carolina

Postal Code : 28605

Contact Name: Kevin Leonard

Phone: 8283729900

Email: reservations@ridgewayinn-nc.com

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 4:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :

Full Charge - Full Stay - If canceled within 2 days of arrival

Terms and Conditions

Parking: Free parking for hotel guests in the Hotel parking lot. One car limit per guest as there is 20 rooms and 20 parking spots.
Smoking/Vaping: all rooms are non-smoking and non-vaping. There will be a $250 fee charged if guest is found doing either in room
Quiet hours between 10pm and 7am. We ask to please respect other guests during this time.
Damage and Loss: Any damage or theft to room will be assessed at departure and possibly charged
Lost and Found: Ridgeway Inn will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items 

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